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Calling all perfectionists. This week is for you!!!

Welcome to the Mosaic Minute.
Each week, I’ll answer one leadership question in about one minute.

Today’s question: Being a perfectionist is so stressful. As a leader, is the expectation that I need to be perfect all the time? Will I be judged if I am not?

Are you suffering from perfectionism? To be honest, I am a reformed perfectionist. I know that being a perfectionist causes a lot of stress.

Does your team need to be executing perfectly all the time?
Do you need to have all the answers?

Find out in this week’s video…

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What can you do to let go of being perfect and move to being “human”!

Do you have a burning leadership question?

Email it to me at and I will confidentially address it in a future Mosaic Minute episode

Vanessa Judelman

Vanessa Judelman is an author, coach, and sought-after leadership expert. Over the past 20 years, she has created a proven formula to develop results-oriented leaders who feel empowered and confident in their job. Vanessa is the author of Mastering Leadership: What It Takes to Lead in Today’s Fast-Paced World. Order your copy here.

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