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How to Handle a Critical Peer

Welcome to week two of the Mosaic Minute.

Each week, I’ll answer one leadership question in about one minute.

Today’s question: How do I handle a peer who criticizes my team all the time?

As a leader, part of your role is to manage relationships up, down and across in your organization. So, what do you do if one of your peers criticizes the effectiveness of your team?

If you complain about this person or their department in front of your team, you are setting a negative tone. You are reinforcing the “us versus them” approach. You are contributing to the problem. This is not healthy for you or your organization. You are ALL on the same team and need to work together.

So, what can you do to work more effectively with this colleague?

It all starts with one word…collaboration (not criticism).

Watch the video to find how this works so both departments/teams end up feeling respected…

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What’s going on for you?
What is causing you stress as a leader?
Email me your leadership questions at and I will confidentially address them in a future Mosaic Minute episode.

Vanessa Judelman

Vanessa Judelman is an author, coach, and sought-after leadership expert. Over the past 20 years, she has created a proven formula to develop results-oriented leaders who feel empowered and confident in their job. Vanessa is the author of Mastering Leadership: What It Takes to Lead in Today’s Fast-Paced World. Order your copy here.

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