Assess how well you are building your team
As a leader, it’s your job to manage your team.
Unfortunately, most leaders are never taught this skill.
So, for the next few weeks, I’m going to do a three-part series on team management skills.
Whether you are new to leadership or have been a leader for twenty years, this skill set requires constant development. It’s multifaceted and has become more complex today as you learn to manage a hybrid team.
I thought I’d start this series with an assessment.
Let’s see how you are doing right now. What’s working? What are your key areas for development?
Below is a checklist of the most critical team management skills.
Take a minute to:
- Go through the list and put a checkmark beside the areas you are currently implementing well.
- Identify which items remain blank without a checkmark beside them. These areas represent gaps in your team management skills.
Team Management Assessment
- I make time to coach my team on a regular basis.
- I have a process in place to develop the skills and abilities of the people on my team.
- I effectively and regularly deliver positive feedback.
- I quickly and efficiently provide constructive feedback and manage poor performance when necessary.
- I adapt my communication style to meet the needs of the people on my team.
- I effectively implement the steps to develop a high-performing, engaged team.
- I run productive team meetings.
- I consciously develop an open, respectful, and trusting environment.
- I proactively manage and de-escalate conflict amongst team members.
What did you notice now that you have completed the assessment?
What are you doing well?
What team management skills do you still need to improve or develop?
Developing these skills is critically important to the success of your team or business.
For example, if you don’t learn to coach, it is less likely that you will have a highly autonomous, self-motivated team.
If you don’t put a process in place to develop your people, you will never be able to delegate and get out of the weeds.
If you don’t know how to create a high-trust, engaged team, then you will never maximize your level of productivity.
Yes, it may feel onerous at first to spend time developing and implementing these team management skills.
But, over the last 20 years, I have worked with thousands of leaders to teach them exactly how to do this successfully.
These leaders are getting promoted quickly.
These leaders are feeling confident and in control of their workload.
These leaders are achieving results beyond their wildest dreams.
So, where can you start closing the gaps in your team management skills?
If you’re ready to close the gaps identified in this assessment, you can email me at
Share your key gaps with me.
Learn how one-on-one coaching can accelerate your learning and close these gaps quickly and effectively. No need to struggle alone anymore!