Four ways to build a high-performing team right now
We’ve all learned over the past two years that physical distance can lead to psychological distance.
You can no longer look over at your colleague’s desk and notice that they are having a bad day.
You can no longer visibly see who is being productive and who is off task.
You can no longer walk over to the desk of someone who is struggling and point them in the right direction.
Now that working in a physically distanced way is here to stay, it’s time for leaders to consciously focus on developing their teams.
High-performing teams don’t just happen automatically.
You need to consciously take steps to build a motivated and aligned team.
Here’s some good news for you!
While you might not have in-person touchpoints anymore, you can still build a very high-performing team.
But…you have to make it a priority.
There are no quick fixes here.
You have to develop your team in a strategic and purposeful way.
In fact, I just wrapped up a year-long team alignment project with one of my clients, and her team is now the top producing department in their organization.
This leader was very committed to her team. She put in the work…and now is reaping the rewards.
So, do you have a plan to build a high-performing team this year?
If not, now is the time to get started.
Here are four ways that you can build a high-performing team right now:
- Set clear goals: It’s really important to have a common purpose and clearly articulated goals. Have you clearly discussed your goals with the members of your team? Does everyone on your team know how their role is aligned with your team’s overarching goals? If not, start here. Ensure that each person’s role and goals are clear. This will help them to prioritize and focus on the right tasks.
- Develop high-trust relationships. Having high-trust relationships on your team will allow you to work more efficiently. When your team is filled with great people who are respectful and results-oriented, your desired objectives will be achieved.
- Intentionally create a positive team culture. You need to consciously choose the culture that you want to create on your team. Do you want a team that is creative or perhaps responsive? Does your team need to be collaborative or good problem solvers? Remember, all the behaviours that you expect from your people need to be modeled by YOU first.
- Assess and leverage each other’s strengths. Do you understand the work style of each person on your team? Have you used a tool like the DiSC Profile to fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of your teammates? If not, this will be a game-changer for you. Leveraging strengths means that each person on your team is maximizing their potential at work. This step is critical if you desire a high-performing team.
So, are you ready to develop a high-performing, aligned, and cohesive team?
With the right tools, skills, and processes, you can get there – whether you are collaborating in person, virtually, or using a hybrid model.
By the way, if this article piqued your interest and you are thinking, “Wow, I’d love for MY team to be aligned and high performing, email me at I’d be delighted to discuss how I can support you in achieving this goal this year!