No more “imposter syndrome”
There are a few important ground rules that I discuss with new clients.
One such ground rule is that “I have imposter syndrome” cannot be mentioned!
I can’t stand that expression.
The term “imposter syndrome” was first mentioned in an article in 1978 by two psychotherapists who noticed that high-achieving, professional women often doubted their skills and talents and therefore feared being exposed as a fraud.
Well, 44 years later, this term is still in the vernacular and is highly overused by both male and female leaders.
It’s time we stop using it!
Let’s get a few things clear.
You are not an imposter.
You will never be an imposter.
You certainly don’t have a syndrome!
“Imposter syndrome,” when used, simply holds people back.
It stops people from developing confidence in their roles.
So, what alternative perspective can people use when feeling unsure or maybe insecure about themselves or their abilities?
Well, I like to replace “I have imposter syndrome” with “I am in learning mode.”
When you become a leader, get a promotion, or move into a new role, feeling nervous—or even a little insecure—is normal.
It’s also normal that you will not immediately have all the skills you need to succeed.
But the good news is that if you take the time to develop into your role, you will feel confident in no time.
There is a reason why you were promoted into your new role.
Embrace it.
Feel proud of yourself.
Then get busy identifying your gaps and develop yourself.
No more “imposter syndrome”!