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How to take your leadership to the next level!

I have an exciting announcement to make today!

I’m launching a 3-month series as part of my weekly newsletter

The series is called: 


Learn the 3-pillars of leadership success.


Why am I doing this?

Well, leadership is very multi-faceted and highly complex at the best of times.

To say the least, the last few years have not been “the best of times” for any of us.

Plus, we are now navigating “the new normal” which requires a ton of resilience and expertise for leaders. 

I’m always thinking about ways to support you to be the best leader possible.

So, I had an idea to take you on a strategic learning journey.

How exciting that this idea is now coming to fruition! 

What exactly is this series?

Each Friday morning, you will learn one leadership tip, tool, or strategy aligned with the Mastering Leadership Model. 

I created this model about 8 years ago. I started noticing some core leadership gaps that kept coming up with coaching clients and similar gaps that emerged from the needs assessment process I had done with thousands of leaders over the years.

I designed this model to address these core gaps, mitigate the complexities of leadership, and help leaders to develop the most critical aspects of their role.

Here is the model and its 3 pillars:


Mastering Leadership Module Vanessa Judelman

I use this model with my private coaching clients and the leaders participating in my in-house training programs. 

Now you, too, will be able to explore this powerful model so that you can up-level your leadership.

For the next three months, I’m going to focus on each pillar:

  • August: Know yourself
  • September: Manage your team
  • October: Lead your business 

 So, be sure to tune in each week. Just think about how much you’ll learn and grow as a leader if you do!

Feel free to share this journey with your colleagues who you think would also like to grow and develop as a leader.

Register here:

I’m excited to be on this journey with you.

Next Friday morning, we will explore Pillar One: Know Yourself!

Vanessa Judelman

Vanessa Judelman is an author, coach, and sought-after leadership expert. Over the past 20 years, she has created a proven formula to develop results-oriented leaders who feel empowered and confident in their job. Vanessa is the author of Mastering Leadership: What It Takes to Lead in Today’s Fast-Paced World. Order your copy here.

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