We’ve all learned over the past two years that physical distance can lead to psychological distance. Learn how to build a high-performing team in spite of this challenge!
I've been asking my clients how they feel about going back to the office, and I've been getting mixed reviews. Find out why and what we can learn from their reactions.
In a recent workshop, I asked a group of leaders whether they took the time to give positive leadership to their employees. Find out what they said and why I think this practice is important...
Have you ever been in a conflict situation with a colleague at work? If I were a betting woman… I’d say that you have been! Learn more about how to deal with it in this post...
I met astronaut Chris Hatfield a few years ago. I will never forget about what he told me about the importance of sweating the small stuff when you are in space. Should leaders apply this lesson to their work?
I’m going to be a bit vulnerable with you today and share some feedback that I received this week. Find out what two clients said about me and how I reacted...
A client asked me, "Vanessa, after working with so many leaders over the years, what are the top 3 things that people typically get wrong about leadership?" Want to know how I responded?
Over the years, I have worked hard at developing a growth mindset. So…I’m so excited to share with you one of those opportunities that will help you to keep growing and developing as a leader.
As a leader, you can integrate every aspect of your life, your experiences, your talents, your strengths, your failures, your mishaps, and even your scrappiness into your leadership practice. Find out how...