How to reward your team in non-financial ways
Providing recognition is a very important part of creating a high-performing team.
But is it really all about money and promotions?
While those things certainly are desirable, the research indicates that receiving more money is only #5 on the top 10 list of how to motivate people.
So, what can you do to reward and recognize your team in non-financial ways?
Well, it starts with the tone that you set.
As a leader, you have to demonstrate trust-building behaviours all the time.
This doesn’t mean you need to be in a good mood all the time.
It does mean that you need to be respectful, transparent, and loyal. It also means that you need to get results, clarify your expectations, and keep your commitments.
Apart from setting a positive tone, there are many other ways to create a high-performing culture that rewards and recognizes your team.
Here are the top six methods to reward your team in non-financial ways:
- Create development plans and have career conversations with your people
- Keep your team informed (the #1 motivator for people at work is “being in on things”)
- Delegate work they find interesting
- Curate interactive activities like a potluck lunch once a month
- Give positive feedback
- Give constructive feedback, especially on their blind spots
Creating a high-performance culture takes thought and time.
There are many ways to accomplish this goal.
Consider the ideas listed above.
Which one resonates the most for you? Start by implementing that one!